Arriving at “Yes” following Separation

Family Law in Australia is generally an adversarial system, with some exceptions. More than a decade of experience in legal practice tells me that at times, it can be come unnecessarily adversarial. Receiving voluminous correspondence raising debate about factual matters which do not advance or narrow the issues moving forward is not uncommon. The longer these conflicts persist, the more ingrained parties can become in what are often already entrenched positions. This can make it hard for parties to reach agreements after separation.

Mediation is an important tool in this process. Mediation is a form of alternate dispute resolution which is mandated in property settlement disputes prior to court intervention, unless certain exceptions apply. It is the mediator’s role to act as an independent third party in helping each side arrive at “yes” to reaching a global agreement, where the parties retain control over the ultimate outcome.

Great mediators will assist parties from the outset to find common ground (sometimes on things they thought were not necessarily important) but will also often encourage self reflection to look at what hasn’t worked in the hope a mutually beneficial outcome can be arrived at. The parties remain empowered throughout this process.

Over the years, I have seen many people reach agreements in family law conflicts following separation and have first-hand seen the benefits mediation can have in assisting parties obtain freedom and peace in moving on with their respective lives. These benefits are often invaluable and cannot be measured in a monetary sense.

We are lawyers based in Maryborough, Queensland. We assist clients with legal cases in Maryborough, Hervey Bay, Gladstone, Bundaberg, Childers, Gayndah, Gympie, The Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and beyond. If you or someone you know are looking for an experienced and compassionate lawyer to assist no matter how difficult or complex the problem or case, please call our Maryborough law office on (07) 4191 6470.