After parents separate, children have the right to enjoy a meaningful relationship with both parents providing that they are not exposed or subjected to harm from abuse, neglect or family violence.

In amicable situations where there is no power imbalance, domestic violence or other risk issues present, the first step to determining how a child’s best interests will be met is often for parents to talk between themselves to reach an agreement which can then be made into a parenting plan or parenting order of the Court, depending on the circumstances.

If a dispute arises and a co-parenting agreement can not be reached, Family Dispute Resolution Conferencing is a great way to get things back on track as there is an impartial third party involved to help the parents to try to reach an agreement.

If you find yourself in this situation, I would strongly urge you to talk to a Family Law Lawyer who is experienced in acting for parties in parenting disputes so they can offer you tailored legal advice taking into account your views regarding your child’s best interests post separation.

click here to book an appointment with us!

John Willett